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Friday, March 20, 2015

Smooth Energy Clear Mind LiquidCaps

Have you ever felt like you had a thousand things running through your mind? I sure have. But I am a mother of 2 boys and a wife. You can just imagine how many things go through this mind as soon as I wake up. Even at night when I am about to fall asleep, I have a thousand things floating around in my head! It can become very irritating! I had a chance to try a product that I have never heard about. It is the Smooth Energy Clear Mind Liquid Caps.

According to their description, after taking the liquid caps, you will experience a balanced energy and a clear, focused and stable mind.So what exactly are the benefits of these Energy Clear Mind Caps? Read the list below!

  1. Smooth energy
  2. Mental focus
  3. Improved libido
  4. Stress relief
  5. Supports maintaining blood glucose at normal levels
  6. Supports cardiovascular health
  7. Assists immuno potentiation
  8. Aids in a healthy inflammatory response
  9. Optimizes athletic performance

The capsules are pure fermented Ginseng extract with organic vegetable glycerin. Meaning it is pure with nothing else added. The caps are hermetically sealed with a nitrogen bubble which removes all the oxygen to keep it pure and fresh. Since they are natural vegan cellulose, this means they will easily mealy under your tongue. This is the most efficient way to take them, although if the herbal taste is too much for you, you can swallows it down with some water.

Do you want to see a list of ingredients? Look below!
My personal experience:
At first glance, they look like tea wrapped in a bubble like pill. As shown below. I placed it under my tongue and held it there for about 30 seconds. It was not dissolving as fast as I 'd hope. I might just be impatient, but to be completely honest, it was not the best tasting thing. I then grabbed some water and swallowed it down.

I took these for 7 days. It is best to take them either in the morning or right before bed. I took them around noon every day. This is the time of the day where I feel like everything hits me at once. This would be the perfect time to see how the liquid caps worked. The first 2 days I did not notice anything different. I was tired, unfocused and just felt like I could not think straight. For me, this feels like any other day. The 3rd day was different. For some reason I felt, good. I was able to get my kids fed, make my husband his lunch before work, sit down and do our finances and look ahead in the month to see what needed to be done. After 7 days, it seemed to have continued.

As far as smell and taste. Well, the smell, there was no smell. I took them out of the package and it did not have any distinct smell. As far as taste, I could not handle waiting for it to dissolve under my tongue due to the taste. I mean, many others may be able to handle it. I cannot say it is the bad part of these liquid caps. Just if you are into natural tasting, really strong, tart tea, then you will be able to dissolve them.

So all in all, yes I would recommend these, Do they REALLY work? Sure, in my opinion they did. But could it have been in my head and I REALLY wanted them to work, sure again. Either way, both are a good thing. These liquid caps worked for me whether it was the actually capsule or if it was all in my head. 

Check them out for yourself! Click here to buy them! And use the code SMOOTHE5 to get a discount!

I received this product for free from in exchange for my honest opinon. 

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