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My policy (reviews and company giveaways)

This is my personal blog, therefor everything I state within my reviews are my honest opinions. I will not write a FULL negative review. I believe that with every positive, there is a negative. In this case, if I do have a negative opinion about a product, I will contact the company in regards to my thoughts. From there I will explain that in my post that I DID contact the company and will complete my review.

Company Reviews
In regards to company reviews, I do a lot of reviews that are more aimed towards women. In this case, if I were to do a review on a product that is aimed towards men, I would not be able to personally try the product. In this case, my Husband will be testing the product and giving the full review.

As far as products that are aimed at children, I do have a year old son, therefor I will not be able to review products that are aimed at girls. I can review products that are for the age range of 1 year to possibly 3 years old.

I also will not pay for shipping, if you are a company that would like me to review a product, please contact me via Email so that we can further communicate.

If you are a company that would like me to do a review and giveaway, please contact me via Email and we will set something up.

I will always use rafflecopter, it will always be a random drawing. I think that is the only fair way. If it is a company giveaway, I will follow their instructions, meaning you may have to like their facebook page and may have to follow them on twitter. I will not be responsible for sending out the product, the company will send the product to the winner. Therefor the winner will have to keep in contact with me so I can communicate with the company in regards to your prize. I will also not be responsible for anything that breaks during shipping.

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to Email me at

Thank you!

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