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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Skinnygirl Daily On-The-Go Bars

I received the Coconut with Peanut Butter On the Go Bar free from Influenster

The Skinnygirl on the go bars have only 180 calories and contains more protein and fiber and less sugar and carbs! they are all natural, kosher and gluten free. Except the Dark chocolate multi-grain pretzel. this is definitely a guilt free treat, or snack.

First impression: Oh great, another bar that will taste like cardboard. Oh lovely Coconut and Peanut Butter both in which I do not have a taste for. How could this be a snack, it sure doesn't look very filling.

My expectations: Something that has flavor, gooey and soft, not hard and crunchy, something to munch on for a quick snack BUT something that will hold me over until I make an actual meal. Something appealing to the eye because I have a hard time eating anything that just does not look good! And last but not least, something that I would actual consider buying in the future.

So, did the bar live up to my expectations?
1. This little bar is very gooey! So soft and tastes nothing like cardboard or protein bars.
2. The coconut and peanut butter blended so well that I had no problem taking bite after bite!
3. This little bar was something to munch on for a quick snack and held me over for 2-3 hours!
4. You could see the peanut butter drizzled over the bar, little pieces of coconut. Yum!
5. Would I buy it? OH YES I WILL! I could have a box in the cupboards every week!

It packs a punch! I love how this bar is nothing like a protein bar. It has so much flavor, and the gooey part is the best! This is the first bar that could mix 2 of the flavors that I do not particularly like and make it into something very appetizing! 

Check them out here
Also visit their product page here

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Olay Fresh Effects Va Va Vivid

The Va Va Vivid system is used to liberate your skin from dirt, oil and makeup for an unstoppable freshness. It's designed power brush was made to get around your face's contours. Meaning the T-zone, hairline and the nose. It gives you a better clean compared to the basic cleaning

My personal experience:
At first when I opened the box, I was a little disappointed to see how small the brush was. When you think of a brush, you think of something with a larger brush head. Along with thicker brushes, in which this one has rubber like bristles. Also, the vibrations I did not think was something that was important. I felt like there would not be enough moisturizer.

After trying the product, I had a different thought about it!

As you can see, you only need a dab!

This is just one side of my face (only the dab shown above)

The rubber bristles felt a lot better on my skin then I expected. It was not hard so it did not hurt. I could feel the rubber bristles really getting into all the hard to reach places. The smell was not overpowering, how ever I did not really like the scent to it. It kind of had a weird alcohol mixed with lotion scent.

The brush was tiny, but it was easy to hold! The rubber made it less likely to slip out from your hands. The vibrations made it feel like it was massaging my skin rather than cleaning it.

It is battery operated so you can use it over and over again. You can also buy the moisturizer from the store. I did use another facial moisturizers and it did not change anything. So, feel free to use any type of moisturizer with the brush!

Visit their website 
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I recieved this product for free from Influesnster in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response

Have you ever walked out of the house, rushing to work, stressed out about that presentation you have about your company and then looked down to see those horrible sweat marks under your armpits? Well, you should toss out your old deodorant! Why? well I have a secret, the Clinical Strength Stress Response Deodorant is better!

The Secret Clinical Strength Stress is doctor endorsed for women under stress. It has 4 times the protection against stress swear. It has prescription strength and wetness protection. Below is a picture of the product I received.

The smell is amazing. You wish you could be on a beach? Well this citrus scent hits as close to a beach as you can get. It does not at all smell like oranges, which is okay with me! I would rather feel like I am on a beach rather then being surrounded by a bag of oranges.

Another plus, it goes on so smoothly! Do you guys ever get those weird deodorant balls under your armpits? Aren't they annoying? Well this Secret Stress Sweat provides you with a smooth armpit through out the day! No more getting white streaks on your clothes. Walk around with confidence once again!

One last thing, the little turning nob on the bottom is easy to grab. I hate the ones that are the size of the whole bottom because I feel like it takes longer to twist to get the deodorant up! This one is simple, only need to use two fingers and a single twist will give you what you need!

My personal experience? 
My biggest stresser is keeping the house clean while having a son who loves his toys! I am always rushing around trying to get everything put away. Stressed about knowing how it will look at the end of the day, let alone the end of the week!

Well, I finally used the Stress Protection in the morning. I was rushing around, stressed all day about the house, bills, my husbands work, everything you could imagine! In the afternoon, I usually notice how sweaty my armpits get. I looked down and to my surprise, there was no sweat to see! I was amazed at how this actually worked for me! I couldn't smell anything, which is good! I was satisfied with the deodorant and now I apply it every day!

So, feel free to walk in confidence!

want to know more? visit

I received this product for freem from Influenster in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.